Feel free to write to us at any point, at editor@chinabooksreview.com for editorial queries and listings@chinabooksreview.com to have your book listed on the site.
If you are one of the following, please read on for further details:
Writers — See how to submit.
Authors — We encourage authors to ask their publisher to contact us with full information about their book, as below to listings@chinabooksreview.com, but you can also send it over yourself. If you would like to propose a specific excerpt for consideration, see how to submit.
Publishers — Please send us information about all your upcoming China-related books at the point when an ARC is first available (ideally attaching it), so that we can list them publicly on our upcoming China books list, in addition to considering them for potential review or excerpt. Please write to listings@chinabooksreview.com and include: title; author; pub date; publisher (imprint) name; publisher page link; Amazon.com purchase link.
NB: We only list books in English. We list U.S. editions of books, not other territories, unless there is no U.S. edition or it is published significantly later, in which case we list the first available edition. We do not re-list paperback editions after a hardback first release, unless it is a significant new edition.
Illustrators — We hire professional illustrators to produce cover images for the top homepage article every two weeks, and occasionally smaller illustrations also, such a profile sketches or cartoons to accompany essays. If you would like to let us know about your work, please send a link to your portfolio at editor@chinabooksreview.com.
Readers — We welcome feedback from readers, if you want to let us know about anything you liked (or didn’t!) in the magazine. Please write to us at editor@chinabooksreview.com, or to submit a reader letter for potential publication, see how to submit.
We endeavor to reply to messages in a timely fashion, but get a lot of mail. If you have not heard back from us after 10 days, please accept our apologies for not replying.
Publishers and authors are also welcome to mail books, catalogues and letters to us directly:
Alec Ash
Asia Society
725 Park Ave
New York 10021