This page lists bestselling China books, defined as any English-language book on or from China that was published in the last year, and which ranks in the top 15 in its category when ordered by its overall bestseller rank among books on We update this list on a monthly basis. Please note that rankings are not final, only an indication of Amazon sales, which do not incorporate other editions or point-of-sale purchases. Blurbs are adapted from publisher copy.
Overall Bestsellers
Seven Things You Can’t Say About China
Tom Cotton
An exposé about the threat to American freedom.
The Night Ends with Fire
K.X. Song
A fantasy adventure inspired by the legend of Mulan that follows a young woman determined to choose her own destiny.
Karissa Chen
A tale of one couple across 60 years as world events pull them together and apart, illuminating the Chinese diaspora and exploring what it means to find home far from your homeland.
BuyYou Must Take Part in Revolution
A Graphic Novel
Badiucao, Melissa Chan
A graphic novel set in contemporary Hong Kong, addressing ideas of political and individual freedom.
BuyWhy Taiwan Matters
A Short History of a Small Island That Will Dictate Our Future
Kerry Brown
An analysis of the history of Taiwan and the danger of a Chinese takeover.
BuyDaughters of Shandong
A Novel
Eve J. Chung
A novel about a mother and her daughters' harrowing escape to Taiwan as the Communist revolution sweeps through China.
BuyThe Boiling Moat
Urgent Steps to Defend Taiwan
Ed. Matt Pottinger
A scholarly argument that a robust military strategy for Taiwan, the U.S., Japan, Australia, and Europe is essential for countering Beijing's aggression.
BuyThe Lotus Shoes
A Novel
Jane Yang
A tale of two women from opposite sides of Chinese society and their extraordinary journey of sisterhood, betrayal, love and triumph.
BuyNew Cold Wars
China's Rise, Russia's Invasion, and America's Struggle to Defend the West
David E. Sanger
An account of how the U.S. finds itself in a volatile rivalry with Xi Jinping's China and Vladimir Putin's Russia.
BuyHouse of Huawei
The Secret History of China's Most Powerful Company
Eva Dou
The untold story of Huawei, the mysterious company that shook the world.
BuyChinese Enough
Homestyle Recipes for Noodles, Dumplings, Stir-Fries, and More
Kristina Cho
A collection of California-style Cantonese recipes.
BuyThe Eurasian Century
Hot Wars, Cold Wars, and the Making of the Modern World
Hal Brands
A framework for understanding the origins and stakes of global conflict with China, Russia, and Iran.
BuyBestselling Politics Books
Why Taiwan Matters
A Short History of a Small Island That Will Dictate Our Future
Kerry Brown
An analysis of the history of Taiwan and the danger of a Chinese takeover.
BuyThe Boiling Moat
Urgent Steps to Defend Taiwan
Ed. Matt Pottinger
A scholarly argument that a robust military strategy for Taiwan, the U.S., Japan, Australia, and Europe is essential for countering Beijing's aggression.
BuyNew Cold Wars
China's Rise, Russia's Invasion, and America's Struggle to Defend the West
David E. Sanger
An account of how the U.S. finds itself in a volatile rivalry with Xi Jinping's China and Vladimir Putin's Russia.
BuyThe Eurasian Century
Hot Wars, Cold Wars, and the Making of the Modern World
Hal Brands
A framework for understanding the origins and stakes of global conflict with China, Russia, and Iran.
World on the Brink
How America Can Beat China in the Race for the Twenty-First Century
Dmitri Alperovitch, Garrett M. Graff
An argument for how the U.S. can maintain its place as the world's top superpower in the face of a rising China.
BuyThe Return of Great Powers
Russia, China, and the Next World War
Jim Sciutto
An analysis of the realities of the new post-post-Cold War era, the increasingly aligned Russian and Chinese governments, and the flashpoint of a new global nuclear arms race.
BuyOn Xi Jinping
How Xi's Marxist Nationalism is Shaping China and the World
Kevin Rudd
An analysis of how Xi Jinping's political philosophy, 'Marxist-Leninist nationalism,' differs from that of his predecessors and shapes modern China.
BuyTo Overthrow the World
The Rise and Fall and Rise of Communism
Sean McMeekin
A global history of Communism tracing its ascent from theory to practice, from Marx to Mao.
BuyTides of Fortune
The Rise and Decline of Great Militaries
Zack Cooper
A look at how the twentieth century's great powers devised their military strategies and what their implications mean for military competition between the United States and China.
BuyUnder the Nuclear Shadow
China’s Information-Age Weapons in International Security
Fiona S. Cunningham
An analysis of how and why China has pursued information-age weapons to gain leverage against its adversaries.
BuyThe Red Emperor
Xi Jinping and His New China
Michael Sheridan
A portrait of Xi Jinping that draws on intimate stories from the closed world of China's leading families and two decades of first-hand reporting.
BuyTechnology and the Rise of Great Powers
How Diffusion Shapes Economic Competition
Jeffrey Ding
A theory of how technological revolutions affect the rise and fall of great powers.
BuyBestselling History Books
House of Huawei
The Secret History of China's Most Powerful Company
Eva Dou
The untold story of Huawei, the mysterious company that shook the world.
BuySkies of Thunder
The Deadly World War II Mission Over the Roof of the World
Caroline Alexander
An account of combat and survival in the China-Burma-India theater of World War II.
BuyThe Great Transformation
China’s Road from Revolution to Reform
Odd Arne Westad and Chen Jian
A history tracing the causes of China's turn from the Cultural Revolution to Reform and Opening and recounting life during the period.
BuyHer Lotus Year
China, the Roaring Twenties, and the Making of Wallis Simpson
Paul French
An account of the Duchess of Windsor, Bessie Wallis Warfield's, year in China.
BuyCorky Lee’s Asian America
Fifty Years of Photographic Justice
Corky Lee
A collection of over 200 photos celebrating the history and cultural impact of the Asian American social justice movement.
BuyRebel Island
The Incredible History of Taiwan
Jonathan Clements
A history of Taiwan, from the flood myths of indigenous legend to its Asian Tiger economic miracle, and the renewed threat of invasion by China.
BuyZhou Enlai
A Life
Chen Jian
A biography of Zhou Enlai, the first premier and preeminent diplomat of the People’s Republic of China, who protected his country against the excesses of his boss―Chairman Mao.
BuyNot Your China Doll
The Wild and Shimmering Life of Anna May Wong
Katie Gee Salisbury
The story of Anna May Wong, the first Asian American movie star.
BuyEmperor of the Seas
Kublai Khan and the Making of China
Jack Weatherford
A history of the technological and political accomplishments of Kublai Khan.
BuyThe Hong Kong Diaries
Chris Patten
The diaries of the last British Governor of Hong Kong, documenting the lead up to the colony's passage into Chinese rule.
BuyEastward, Westward
A Life in Law
Jerome A. Cohen
A memoir from a lawyer who helped to shape East Asian law and U.S.-China legal relations.
BuySentimental Republic
Chinese Intellectuals and the Maoist Past
Hang Tu
A chronicle of forty years (1978-2018) of bitter cultural wars about the Maoist past.
BuyA History of Uyghur Buddhism
Johan Elverskog
A history of Buddhism among the Uyghurs from the ninth to seventeenth century.
BuyThe Chinese Computer
A Global History of the Information Age
Thomas S. Mullaney
The untold story of how the Chinese language overcame unparalleled challenges and revolutionized the world of computing.
BuyThe Conscience of the Party
Hu Yaobang, China's Communist Reformer
Robert L. Suettinger
A biography of the Chinese Communist Party's most avid reformer and its general secretary for a part of the 1980s.
BuyBestselling Society/Culture Books
Seven Things You Can’t Say About China
Tom Cotton
An exposé about the threat to American freedom.
Chinese Enough
Homestyle Recipes for Noodles, Dumplings, Stir-Fries, and More
Kristina Cho
A collection of California-style Cantonese recipes.
Chinese Medicine for the Mind
A Science-Backed Guide to Improving Mental Health with Traditional Chinese Medicine
Nina Cheng
An instructional text for utilizing traditional Chinese medicine for mental health benefits.
Agak Agak
Everyday Recipes from Singapore
Shu Han Lee
A collection of loosely structured Singaporean recipes.
BuyBuddha Jumps Over the Wall, and Other Curiously Named Classic Chinese Dishes
A Graphic Cookbook
Ying Chang Compestine (illus. Vivian Truong)
An exploration of the nomenclature of traditional Chinese dishes through folklore, personal storytelling, and recipes.
BuyWisdom Stories of Tibet
Tales of Magic, Adventure, adn Bravery
Laura Burges, Lama Chonam (illus. Wen Hsu)
An illustrated collection of 14 Tibetan folktales for children.
BuyMonkey King and the World of Myths
The Monster and the Maze
Maple Lam
The first book of a graphic novel series: the legendary Monkey King tries to save the world from a mysterious new threat.
BuyLiving the Asian Century
An Undiplomatic Memoir
Kishore Mahbubani
A memoir from a politician and diplomat, tracing the transformation of the Republic of Singapore from a poor colony into an Asian powerhouse.
BuyChop Fry Watch Learn
Fu Pei-mei and the Making of Modern Chinese Food
Michelle T. King
A new history of Chinese food told through an account of the remarkable life of Fu Pei-mei, the woman who brought Chinese cooking to the world.
BuyThe Chinese Way
Classic Techniques, Fresh Flavors
Betty Liu
A selection of favorite recipes and an introduction to eight distinct methods of Chinese cooking.
BuyChasing Hope
A Reporter's Life
Nicholas D. Kristof
A memoir about a life in journalism from New York Times columnist, Pulitzer Prize winnder and author Nicholas Kristof.
BuyThis Is a Book About Street Food
Brendan Pang
A restauranteur's collection of Chinese street food recipes.
BuyMyths of China
Meet the Gods, Creatures, and Heroes of Ancient China
Xiaobing Wang (illus. Katie Ponder)
An introduction for young readers to the world of ancient Chinese myths.
BuySoy Sauce!
Laura G. Lee
A picture book for kids and foodies of all ages (with real soy sauce as paint) that celebrates the iconic kitchen staple and the magical way food connects family and friends across the world.
BuyBestselling Fiction Books
The Night Ends with Fire
K.X. Song
A fantasy adventure inspired by the legend of Mulan that follows a young woman determined to choose her own destiny.
Karissa Chen
A tale of one couple across 60 years as world events pull them together and apart, illuminating the Chinese diaspora and exploring what it means to find home far from your homeland.
BuyYou Must Take Part in Revolution
A Graphic Novel
Badiucao, Melissa Chan
A graphic novel set in contemporary Hong Kong, addressing ideas of political and individual freedom.
BuyDaughters of Shandong
A Novel
Eve J. Chung
A novel about a mother and her daughters' harrowing escape to Taiwan as the Communist revolution sweeps through China.
BuyThe Lotus Shoes
A Novel
Jane Yang
A tale of two women from opposite sides of Chinese society and their extraordinary journey of sisterhood, betrayal, love and triumph.
BuyTaiwan Travelogue
A Novel
Yang Shuang-zi (tr. Lin King)
A bittersweet story of love between two women, nestled in an exploration of language, history and power.
BuyThe Oxherd Boy
Parables of Love, Compassion, and Community
Regina Linke
An illustrated fable inspired by thousands of years of Chinese thought about a young boy who explores the many ways to make meaning and find joy in the everyday.
BuyOf Jade and Dragons
Amber Chen
A silkpunk fantasy about a girl who must disguise herself as a boy and enter the famed and dangerous Engineer’s Guild trials to unravel the mystery of her father’s murder.
BuyMother River
Can Xue (tr. Karen Gernant, Chen Zeping)
A translated collection of 13 stories challenging our perceptions of time, identity, and existence.
BuyTaipei at Daybreak
Brian Hioe
A coming-of-age novel set among the social protests of the early 2010s in East Asia.
BuyBe Careful, Xiao Xin!
小心 小心!
Alice Pung (Il. Sher Rill Ng)
An illustrated children's story of a little boy who must learn to overcome his fears.
BuyTiananmen Square
A Novel
Lai Wen
A coming-of-age novel about young love and lasting friendships forged in the years leading up to the Tiananmen Square student protests.