Chinese literature has a long-standing, often fantastical tradition of the short story form. Five modern collections, from both the mainland and Taiwan, show that legacy...
China’s leftist intellectuals, once regime critics in the 1990s, have shifted from their socialist origins to embrace statism and the China model. Where does that...
The authors of two recent memoirs talk to the China Books podcast about ongoing cultural repression in Xinjiang, and their own lives in exile outside...
The brutality of Maoist Red Guards is well documented, but lesser known in relation to Tibet, where its spiritual damage ran deep. Few records remained...
The left-wing journalist’s 1937 account of meeting Mao influenced a generation who saw China through rose-tinted glasses as late as the 1970s — until the...
Since 1970, a Chinese-American photojournalist has been capturing images of street life in New York’s Chinatown. Here are twelve of them, from protest to pandemic.
Chinese writers have long used fiction to process trauma, both historical and personal. In these five newly translated titles, the trend continues in modern settings,...
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